The Michigan OER (MI-OER) Network serves as a collective voice for the community to encourage the development and use of OER for educational, instructional, and public information purposes. 

We are a community of practice among higher education institutions and the K-12 sector to promote, advocate, and support OER use and facilitate collaboration among its members.

MI OER Conference 2024 

Registration is open for Framing Open: The ART of Open Education, the 2024 MI OER conference. This event will be held at Grand Rapids Community College on Friday, September 20, 2024. We look forward to exhibiting the creative, classic, and/or innovative expressions of Open Education advocates and practitioners this Fall. Sign up to join the MI OER Network Google Group to receive event announcement updates. 

Funding is provided in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services through the Library of Michigan. Additional funding provided by the Midwest Higher Education Compact.